Norman is a two-year-old, forty-eight-pound energetic boy who enjoys playing with other dogs. He is nervous meeting new dogs and people, but the presence of a canine buddy brings him a lot of comfort. He is extraordinarily sweet and after his initial shyness, will want to be near you (and give you lots of kisses.) He’s been “cat-tested” and did okay, initially, but we recommend a dog-savvy cat and a slow introduction.
Norman will need leash-training. He’s been well-socialized with dogs but will initially need a calmer household so he can acclimate. He does require daily exercise and plenty of socialization opportunities, along with regular doggie play dates. Another dog in the home will be the best for this boy as he is noticeably more at ease in their presence than in the same space, alone.
If you’d like to meet him, fill out a questionnaire.