Stella is a 10 month old, 60lb shepherd mix gal and is still very much a puppy. She is enthusiastic, loving, smart as a whip, and eager to please. A total love bug, Stella is affectionate and loves to give kisses, snuggle, and receive belly rubs. Potty and crate training are going well. She sleeps in her crate through the night with no accidents or fussing. She sits when she wants something and is doing well with “down” and “touch.”
Bonus: she has also lived with cats!
Stella is an active dog and needs daily exercise. She would do wonderfully with another dog to play and romp around with but she would also thrive as an only dog with a family that will provide her with exercise and enrichment. She is lovely with children, but because she is so playful and not fully aware of her size yet, we think she would do best with older kids for now.
Stella has lived in a loving home since she was a tiny baby and has never known anything but love. She has had a great start in life but will need continued training and socialization. Her family had to move and could not bring her with them, so she is back in her original foster home. Stella is a big, loving, goofy girl looking for a family to call her own. Fill out an application and let’s make a forever match! (SS)