Meet Pal, our year-old 12lb terrier mix with a heart as big as his courage. Despite his past trauma of being found with bullet wounds and undergoing surgery to remove them, Pal remains confident, friendly, and affectionate. He’s a true survivor with a resilient spirit, never meeting a stranger and always ready to spread joy.
Pal demonstrates good leash manners but may pull a bit, which is easily corrected. (Pal is treat-motivated, which helps with further training.) He’s very interested in and enjoys playing with other dogs, often initiating games like tag or wrestling with dogs his size. He requires some playtime with other dogs to fully expend his energy before heading home. He also has a good recall. He’s crate and house-trained. And, Pal even has had positive interactions with cats! In his foster home, there are cats, and he is happy to ignore them or even share a large dog bed with them.
Pal gets along famously with other dogs, people, and even cats. His playful and energetic nature would thrive in a home with another playful dog or an active owner. This charismatic, ‘good time Charlie’ will undoubtedly keep you young at heart for many years to come. (GC)