Sly is an absolute love bug. He’s a 3-year old 10lb Chihuahua mix who is very loyal and loving. He’s low energy and very cuddly, wanting to spend as much time with you as possible while also being happy curled up in his bed if you’re busy.
He does well with dogs, children, and cats when he is properly introduced. These interactions go best with kids and dogs who are able to understand and respect his boundaries. He is fully potty trained and leash trained, and loves to walk in a group. He is a little wary around strangers but very quickly warms up and bonds with you the more time you spend with him. Sly would love to be an only dog and get lots of attention, but can also do well in a home with other animals.
Are you ready for this sweet little guy to melt your heart as he melts into your arms? Take the next steps by filling out an adoption questionnaire. (BT)